What’s the Plan Stan, & Independent Artist of the Week.

Hey, it’s TJ Miller, you want some game? Let's Tip Unda The Hat!  

This week, plan,  Let’s go -  

Ok the plan this week; stay safe and  warm, especially here in Texas and other areas of the south that’s not used to snow. With that said the old saying is plan your work and work your plan. It’s great when you have the hottest music you can make, it’s great when your musicians and engineers are awesome, and the studio has all the latest equipment. All this means is the front end of your project is good and ready to go. Now it’s time to perform it, gain distribution and market it to a wider audience. Here is what planning really does. It helps you be prepared for the unexpected. Releasing a single or an EP and even a full length album will have unexpected  uncertainties; very similar to all this snow in Texas and Louisiana. The southern states are not equipped with things like snow plows (I have personally never seen a snow plow in real life), salt trucks and whatever else is needed to keep the city running when freezing temps happen. It’s the same thing if you don’t plan for the back end of your project. Remember that distribution companies like CD Baby, Distro Kid, Band Camp etc don’t market. And if they did there would be a fee. So you have to have a budget plan for the marketing, the press release, the social media, the showcase and even the remixes. You can't spend your entire budget in the studio. Remember it’s not enough to plan the work, you must work that plan!  

Ok, so this southern cat is not accustomed to all this snow, stay safe and warm out there.   If you have a new project coming hit me up, let me help you out.  


This week's Independent Artists of the Week Eric and Josh Willis. Click on the pic to hear a sample, go to the site to buy and support.   

For more information or to hire Unda The Hat as your brand or label consultant send a message via undathehat.com. See you next week. 

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