Brand Archetype & Indie Artist Of The Week - Brandon Kareem

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022. 

Hey, it’s TJ Miller, you want some game? Let's Tip Unda The Hat!  

For the best indie music from indie artists, click, and follow Independent Artist Of The Week Unda The Hat. This week, Brandon Kareem. Be sure to hit the like button and follow this amazing group of indie artists. They will be major soon! 

A Brand what??? - Let’s go - 

So this brand thing can get really deep, so let’s get deep with it. Now don’t get nervous, but we will be taking a test today, so you can find out what your brand archetype is. To begin with, an archetype is a very typical example of a certain person or thing; kindah like a stereotype but not quite when you’re talking about brands. And let’s be clear YOU are a brand. The better you understand your brand the better you can connect with your fans, and followers on an emotional level and push your music even further in the places you want to go with it.  So a brand archetype is a representation of you and your brand based on a few human characteristics like safety, power, creativity, and a few more things. We connect with brands based on our emotions and how they make us feel. Ever heard an awful singer,  rapper, actor, writer, or producer and you wonder how in the world are they getting hot?? Is it the song, the lyrics, the beat, payola (well that could be the case, but that’s another blog topic), or some sort of trickery? It’s emotion and that equals brand archetype. And yes you can hack into the minds of your listeners to create a lasting emotional bond. So this is a bit of psychology and it’s how the mind works. Carl Jung the psychologist from the early 20th century is the cat that first coined the phrase. He and Sigmund Freud were boys back in the day, but then they had beef, ya know kindah like Biggie and Pac…but anyway I digress. Generally, when you spend your money, you find some sort of emotional tie with that thing or service. When you hear a new song, it resonates with you on an emotional level. You have got to do the same thing as an artist. Your posts, your reels, and your TikToks have all got to strike an emotional chord to really capture and keep your audience. You’ve heard songs and said hey that’s a cool song, it had a nice hook or it had a nice beat but it just didn’t make you want to spend money on it. That’s because it didn’t resonate on an emotional level, it just kindah tickled your ears, but it didn’t move your soul. So back to that awful song, if you strike a chord with your listener because your song is about exactly what you are dealing with or going through you will connect, especially if it has a big hook or a bass line that you can sing after you hear it one time. It really is about being intentional and once you create that brand it’s got to be consistent. Remember this, consistency keeps you going when motivation gives out. 

So here’s your test, and please hit me back and let me know your archetype. Go to and click on TAKE THE QUIZ. It will take you to a brand personality quiz, and just so you know I took it and came up with the creator type. Not surprising, but now I know that it’s real.  

To hear more stories and gain insight into this crazy industry, join industry legend Johnny Walker, formerly of DefJam now founder of Nabfeme, Philanthropist Robert N. Johnson, and myself on Wednesdays at 4:00 PST, 6:00 CST, and 7:00 EST on Clubhouse. Click and save the link, then join in to ask questions. Untold Tales of the music industry.  

This week's #IAOTW - Independent Artists Of The Week - Brandon Kareem. He hails from Texarkana, Tx a city on the border of Texas and Arkansas. He started music at a young age singing in the church choir so you know he can sang!!  

Click on his name, scroll down, and click the picture to learn more about this talented artist. Be sure to like and share the Spotify playlist. 

For more information on this or to hire Unda The Hat as your brand or label consultant send a message via See you next Tuesday.

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