The Artist Brand & #IAOTW - Ruby Camille

Hey, it’s TJ Miller, you want some game? Let's Tip Unda The Hat!  

This week, The Artist brand, Let’s go -  

In my very first blog I talked about you and what your brand is. This week we’re going to further that discussion and discuss how you establish a strong brand identity. We know that the brand is everything that defines you, basically an outward visual and sonic expression of you, your music, art, business - everything, and it distinguishes you from everyone else; or at least it should. Some of the anchors of branding will include your look, logo, promotional photos, album artwork, music videos, and merchandise; it can even include your font and the color schemes you use. These all combine to form your brand identity and help people get to know you.  

The brand has got to have an emotional tie. When little kids see those golden arches they go all in, your fans should do the same thing. So the how to all this is to first and foremost make sure that your music, your speech, your art is worth talking about. George Daniels of George's Music Room in Chicago, would always say “you can’t shine sh**, no matter how much marketing you put on it.” Fans are quick to judge new music, so make sure yours is good and relevant. There is a lot of music out there, give your fans what they want. Next is to make sure you are building a strong relationship with your target audience. Additionally make sure you are everywhere your fans are. Don’t be enamored by new platforms if your fans aren’t there. If you are an adult contemporary artist, it’s more likely that your fans are more on Facebook than TikTok, and just the opposite for hip hop artists; wherever they are, that’s where you should be, and grab them and bring them into your circle, make them family.  

If the internet did anything, it provided a way for millions of musicians to put out music to the public faster and more abundantly than ever, you have to stand out; your brand makes you do that, keep it fresh, know what the competition is doing because they are watching you and how you engage your fans.  

This week's #IAOTW - Independent Artists Of The Week is Ruby Camille the newest jewel in R&B has her new single “Fun Love” and it is getting rave reviews.  

For more information or to hire Unda The Hat as your brand or label consultant send a message via See you next Tuesday.

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