Show me the money, & Independent Artist of the Week.

Hey, it’s TJ Miller, you want some game? Let's Tip Unda The Hat!  

This week, Revenue Streams,  Let’s go -  

So a friend of mine posted the top 10 mustiple music revenue streams to her site and I thought this would be a good blog post to place Unda The Hat. So for the next few weeks, I’ll spend some time on the following; Digital Download sales, Streaming Revenue, Direct CD sales (people actually still buy them), Publishing Revenue (we spoke on this in previous blogs), Merch sales, Show revenue, Licensing Revenue, Feature revenue, YouTube, and Sponsor income.  

The days of just selling CDs, a few t-shirts and waiting for that quarterly publishing check is much different than back when I first got in the business selling cassettes. Now the good part is there are many different ways to make a living in the music business on both the creative and the business sides. As we’ve discussed before most of the income is based on percentages; Therefore, the more parts of the percentage you have the better for you. So look out for how to actually make some money in the next few weeks of tips. 

This week's Independent Artists of the Week Dre Synth featured at The virtual Jazz Jam at Jazz Becuzz tonight Tuesday at 8:30 CST on Facebook and YouTube live. Click on the name, click on the pic to hear a sample, then tune in tonight on Facebook and YouTube live.  

For more information or to hire Unda The Hat as your brand or label consultant send a message via See you next week. 

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