SEO in music & Independent Artist Of The Week - Watson’s Head

Tuesday August 16th, 2022 

Hey, it’s TJ Miller, you want some game? Let's Tip Unda The Hat!  

For the best indie music from indie artists, click, and follow Independent Artist Of The Week Unda The Hat. This week, Watson’s Head. Be sure to hit the like button and follow this amazing group of indie artists. They will be major soon! 

This week, let's go to the top. - Let’s go -  

The business of music. You know, it's an oxymoron in a sense. It's like the two things. Although we both need each other, they really don't go together. - Kelis. Simply put what Kelis means is that music is warm, it’s art, it’s sensitive, it’s feeling. Business on the other hand is hard, cold and cuts like a knife - what an oxymoron. So now your job is not only to make the art, but to sit in front of your computer or your phone for hours posting, hashtagging, thinking strategy, business plans and considering what keyword is relevant to me. Well  when thinking about how you get your music to the top of the search sites it can’t be just about keywords and the optimization of a search engine. After you’ve dropped the perfect track, and utilized all of the emotion and artistic fortitude you have to give, it’s time to get it to the top of the search engines. So what is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This means making your song visible to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and YouTube, yep YouTube. It is the strategy  you use to get these search engines algorithms to better understand your music and your brand to make it detectable to fans, would be fans and people who search for certain keywords. SEO increases your site traffic, and gets higher rankings on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). 

Music that gets optimized, or utilized to its highest potential, ranks high on these sites. So how do you do this? Well unlike SEO for a product, or an insurance company or restaurant, the musician's journey starts with the fans. Now getting fans may mean something different to different artists. For some it’s gigging, some it’s posting covers on YouTube, doing charity events or even passing out old school flyers. Remember search engines only work if somebody is searching for you. You get people searching for you by staying consistent in whatever it is you do, recording it and talking about it using specific and relevant keywords. So you may also ask what it is that you are optimizing? Well your website for one, but it’s not always necessary to have a website as long as you have a web presence, like your social media pages, but I recommend you get a website. 

Consistency is mega important when it comes to SEO. The same relevant keywords that point back to your brand, using your name or bands name, what you play, your genre across all of your social pages that point back to your website, helps people find you, your music and your brand. One of the best things you can do right from the start is to have a great name, and a name that is identifiable to you and your music and use it…a lot. Ok SEO is a big topic and we will talk a little more about it next week. 

This week's #IAOTW - Independent Artists Of The Week - Watson’s Head. This is pure unabashed psychedelic-funk-rock with a hit of reggae. Pre-order the new single coming this friday called “The Monkey.”  

Click on their name, scroll down, click the picture to find out more about this funky blackrock artist. 

For more information on this or to hire Unda The Hat as your brand or label consultant send a message via See you next Tuesday.

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